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Genre? Hmmm - hard to tell really...

The PRANA books are somewhere between Supernatural and your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine.
GREY introduces an X-Files kind of vibe and Home, Haggis & Honeymoon goes off on a different tack entirely, chronicling the misadventures of the author and his newly wed lady down under when they should really have been in Tahiti...


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GREY the novel

ISBN 978-1-​920663-64-3


GREY chronicles in part, the bizarre interaction between the Smith family in Johannesburg and the returning exiles, the Dlaminis from Washington DC through circumstances no-one could ever have imagined.


The pursuit of a stolen tracker chip, in Sipho Dlamini’s possession, by dark beings from this world and beyond with the odd undercover agent, angel, demon and shapeshifter thrown in for good measure culminates in a climax that may alter the very fabric of the universe – and does…


Or does it?
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The First Book of PRANA Parts 1 - 4



The first part of Jack Tyler's dust with the devil. 


Not when there are other options available, Jack.

Thus begins the walk-in and Lucifer's first experience of wearing a human "fat suit" in the 3rd dimensional realm.
As if that wasn't debilitating enough - then there are those crazy human emotions to deal with - those damn feelings that Lucifer's brother, Michael had introduced into the mix.
And that's when it all starts to go horribly wrong...

The First Book of PRANA Part 5


ISBN 978-1-920663-65-0

Things have gone spectacularly wrong in the Earthly Realm and a disassociated Jack Tyler has to do something about it.

Enter RUTH.

Death may be the only option left open to Jack unless help can be sought in higher dimensions.

But Jack has to become someone else entirely to make that work.

Yin-yang thank you, ma'am!

Meanwhile the pursuing demon spawn are hellbent on an interception mission while the Archangel Michael rallies the troops.


Home, Haggis And Honeymoon

ISBN 978-0-646942-15

The tale contained in this insane travelogue NOW AVAILABLE ...the chronicle of our disastrous honeymoon trip down under in 2008 - too funny to not share.
It's taken a while but that's life. Hope it is worth the wait.


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